The other night I was in the mood for tempeh, thank goodness that isn't on his list of "texture foods" that "bother him"- So perusing some cookbooks I saw a recipe for "honey mustard crispy tempeh" (from the Bold Vegetarian, I think)- Since I don't do honey, I winged my own recipe borrowing a few of his listed ingredients. So with no further a is what I did.....
Cut on package of tempeh in 5 pieces, then sliced each of those pieces in half (thickness wise) then I cut that piece in half (length wise) - wow, lets just show you a photo to clarify that mumbo jumbo I just wrote!
Then for the mustard sauce:
1 Tbs Veggie Soup Powder
1.5 Tbs. Yellow Mustard Powder
1.5 Tbs. Yellow Mustard Powder
1 C. White Wine
2 Tabs. Maple Syrup
1-2 Tbs. Arrowroot Powder
Combine the first 2 powders and add a little water to make a paste. Pour the wine into the pan, and bring to boil. Add the paste, stir and simmer. Then add the arrowroot, enough to make it into a thicker sauce (you can add some of the hot liquid into the arrowroot before you add it into the pan to make sure it doesn't get lumpy.) Once you get it to the thickness you desire, remove from heat and add the maple syrup. Pour over tempeh. Lookie how pretty.....
Sauce - LOVED, maybe next time a little more maple syrup? Not necessary, but a thought.
Tempeh - The sauce differently complimented the tempeh. This tempeh, for some reason was strong, next time I will pre-boil the tempeh before preparing it. Also, I think some marination of the tempeh would be good. Maybe in the wine/mustard sauce mixture before it gets fried. I'll let you know when I figure it out. I must say the leftovers are awesome since the sauce covered the tempeh for a couple of days.
I'm giving this 4 out of 5 forks,
just because the tempeh was a tad strong, everything else was great.
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